More than ayear ago (wow has it been that long) I made a blog post called After Effects and Tron 1.0 where I showed a project I was playing around with. Well, I left it alone for a long time because I wasn’t having a lot of luck. But then friday I had some ideas, and I started to put them together. This is what I came up with:For this pair of ears, what has always made Love so unignorable is her unapologetic vulnerability: At her best, Love is profane, angry, defiant, sexual, contrary, abrasive, searching, and absolutely unconcerned with being demure, domesticated, docile—or any other word traditionally associated with feminine. She never lets you forget she’s a woman, but that’s less a biological given that a volatile state of flux. And the music backing her has always complimented that mix of anxiety and wonder.So this is one of my first resolutions: Do more stuff like that, and be more serious about it. Which lead me to the next one: Cosplay!Yvette: That’s right.